Part of today’s lesson is about financial giving. That sometimes requires some math, so let’s check your math skills today. I’ll give you seven math questions, and number five asks for an explanation.
Depending on the size of your group, people can compete individually or in teams. The answers are given after each math problem. We recommend the leader go through these first.
You can download this in PowerPoint, Keynote, or PDF formats here.
Divide your group into two teams (or have two people as representatives for the two teams). One team is given money to put into five unmarked containers. You can use real money or play money such as Monopoly money, or you can get play money at Party City or online at https://www.partycity.com/big-daddy-money-175750.html?extcmp=pla%7CGoogle&gclsrc=aw.ds&&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIgqz_9YXF5AIVlKDsCh0sPQ7HEAQYAyABEgLL8vD_BwE. If you use real money, you can use coins or bills—your choice! This could be the offering for the week or money allocated for Youth Sabbath School.
The second team chooses which container receives which of the five labels. We provide five labels for you to print by clicking on the button below. You can have team two put these labels on the containers before or after team one allocates the funds for each purpose. We recommend that the donations to the five containers be given without knowing which container is for which cause. Let this be a springboard for discussion following the activity.
(Please place download buttons here for “Give & Take” in PowerPoint, Keynote, and PDF formats.)
As we consider “Famines and Feasts” today, some people feel like they have a lifestyle of feasting, while others think they are living in a perpetual famine. Both might be more extreme than reality. But God set up times of feasting and also times of fasting. And he promised feasts when people followed their covenant relationship with God, and he also promised famine when they broke their covenant with God. We’ll look at both feasts and famines today, as well as giving back to God what he has given to us. Would that result in a famine or a feast?