OPTION 1: In the River; On the Bank
This reflex game goes back to junior high or even earlier. Have people line up (you could use a rope, string, or masking tape) single file, with the leader at the front facing the rest of the people in line.
The leader then jumps to the left and says, “In the river.” Everyone in the group must mimic what the leader says. Then the leader says, “On the bank,” and jumps back to the original position. If anyone in the line doesn’t follow through with what the leader says, that person is eliminated from the game and moves to the side. This can also happen if someone is too slow in responding (the leader is the judge).
At any time, the leader can do something different from what the leader says. For example, the leader might jump sideways from the bank into the river, but say, “On the bank.” If anyone jumps into the river like what the leader did, but contrary to what the leader said, that person is out.
Start again, saying, “In the river; on the bank; in the river; in the river” (but jump back on the bank). Speed up the cadence to make it more difficult. As people leave the line have people move forward to fill in the gaps. When you have just one person remaining, declare that person the winner, or stop when you think the game is peaking and declare all those remaining the winners.
This game is a form of acting out the theme for this week, “Line in the Sand.”
Option 2A: Jumping the Line
With today’s topic being “Line in The Sand,” use an opening activity called “Jumping the Line.” You can do this horizontally or vertically. Both are quite physical. That’s why we’ll provide an Option 2B as well.
For “Jumping the Line” horizontally, do a standing broad jump. (This is not the long jump or running long jump that requires a long runway and sand pit. A standing broad jump is simply jumping as far forward as you can from behind a line, such as a strip of masking tape on the floor, a line in the sand, or a rope or string.)
For “Jumping the Line” vertically, hold a string to knee height and see how many can jump over the line without touching it. Hold the string so it can be released when someone touches it—this will prevent tripping. Gradually raise it higher as people successfully complete the previous height. See who can jump over the string at the highest height.
Option 2B: Tiddlywinks
This classic game of blipping a dime-size plastic piece into a small cup can be adapted for distance rather than accuracy. Have people blip or zing their tiddlywink from behind a line, and then mark its first point of contact. Draw another line and see who can send their tiddlywink over the “line in the sand.” See who can send it the farthest. Give multiple opportunities, especially for those who arrive early at Youth Sabbath School.
For a video on how to play tiddlywinks, check out https://vimeo.com/168229028
If you need to purchase some tiddlywinks, you can get them here: https://amzn.to/2m0jqcZ
Many people have used the phrase “line in the sand” when acting brave or to inspire, inviting others to join a cause. It has also been used to set boundaries by claiming harm will come to someone if they cross the arbitrary “line in the sand” you have drawn. People use this term in other contexts as well, such as when they wish to encourage others to make a decision. That’s exactly what Joshua did for the Israelites toward the end of his life. And it’s something we need to face multiple times in our lives, especially when it comes to our relationship with Jesus.